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Joining or renewing a Centre Membership

Joining the North Yorkshire Centre of the Caravan and Motorhome Club

There are a few ways to join the North Yorkshire centre, but all membership is controlled by the Caravan and Motorhome Club itself, the North Yorkshire Centre cannot add you or join you themselves.

1. Post. - Simply by returning the form that is sent out with your annual renewal.

2. Website

i. Visit the CAMC club homepage:

ii. Follow the Log in or register link at the top of the page.

iii. Enter your Log in details and click Log in.

iv. Under Member services, click My membership.

v.  Look for the link Free Centre membership and click on the Join Today button.

vi. Then follow the instructions to join the North Yorkshire Centre.

3. Telephone - Sometime it is best to simply call the club directly on 01342 318 813.

We look forward to meeting at an event soon,

The North Yorkshire Centre Committee and Members.

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